Little Empire Wiki


I've played the succubus through castle level 10 twice (started over to get early level info for the wiki) and want to get some strategies involving her and the game in general down.


The succubus starts off with:

  • HP: 260
  • Hero Armor: 1
  • Hero Attack: 9
  • Range: 7

Save all your Honor to level up attack. With the succubus being protected in the back of your armor it is pretty save to ignore HP and armor. This is a big advantage she has over the other 2 heroes and they'll need to spend Honor on all three stats.

Position and Army Composition[]

The succubus' strength is her range, the largest of any hero or unit in game. This means she should always be placed in the back. This gives a great advantage, she is hardly ever hit. If she is placed in the middle rows she can hit any enemy row.

I will generally place her in the rows that have the most enemy units. If I have the population for it I will normally place a full column of footmen in front of her as an extra guard in case anything breaks through. I'll fill in space below and above her with archers or ninjas as needed.

I have found priests to be uselss in a succubus army so far. With other heroes it is good to place priests behind the hero to heal them as they do damage you succubus shouldn't be taking any. Place a priest behind a footman or other unit takes the place a damaging unit could be occupying. From my battles killing units faster keeps your units up longer than a priest does.


Remember you get the first set of gear (Ivy) from your initial tasks, do not spend mojo on them.

When upgrading/replacing gear focus on attack (power, critical, speed) and spell cool down.


Since we place the succubus in the back the initial hero spell, Shattering Strike is pretty much useless. It is a close range spell and we don't want units that close to her. Save all your mojo to purchase Fire Blast and Scourge of Doom as soon as you can. This gives us two ranged spells to work with.

Fire Blast will hit any unit in the two rows the succubus occupies the entire length of the map for 12 damage.

Scourge of Doom hits a 3x3 square where targeted (drag the spell to cast it). It hits the units 3 times for 8 damage a hit.

Save up mojo to keep your spells upgraded and eventually replace Shattering Strike with something more useful.
